But that sort of trust in the government can’t be taken for granted, a fact that has been documented by the Edelman Trust Barometer, an annual report on a regular survey of societal indicators of trust. According to the most recent edition, 48% of people globally say that government is a dividing force in society, compared to only 36% who say it is a unifying force. Government is also ranked behind business, non-governmental organizations (NGO) and the media in the perceived ability to solve societal problems. And “government leaders,” in particular, are trusted the least of any type of societal leader. In the United States, specifically, only 39% of people express trust in government.
Trump’s CFTC Head Slams Prediction Markets Resistance Under Predecessor
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission's legal campaign against prediction market platforms such as Polymarket and Kalshi can't just be...